The Power of SAT Prep Video Courses
SAT Prep Video Courses are an incredibly exciting new element of SAT prep. Combine a great instructor with modern video recording and high-speed internet, and you’ve got a brand-new way to learn SAT test concepts with a unique set of features and benefits. When it comes to SAT prep from home, don’t underestimate the value of a good video course!
Today we’re going to be looking at my review of the “SAT Critical Reading Mastery” Video Course available only at Udemy, the #1 source for online courses anytime, anywhere.
The SAT Critical Reading Mastery Video Course:
Sam Levin has put together an excellent, highly-reviewed and popular video course in the SAT Critical Reading Mastery Course that can benefit all parents and students preparing for the SAT test.
In 3 hours and 56 lectures, the instructor breaks down the key SAT Reading skills and offers plentiful guided practice to show how the lessons can actually be applied to the real test.
The lessons are a great value at only $39, they feel like private tutoring and lead to higher scores, faster reading, and greater overall confidence for students taking the SAT test.
Who Is This Video Course For?
The SAT Critical Reading Mastery course is designed for high school students who need to improve their reading skills, particularly for the SAT Critical Reading test.
That means it’s good especially if you’re taking the SAT soon, as well as:
- Kids who “hate” reading
- Slow readers
- Frustrated or stuck students
- SAT or PSAT prep students
- Students who want more reading practice
Other readers who might be interested in reading are:
- Parents of high school kids
- Homeschool teachers
- SAT and ACT tutors
- College counselors
- High School Teachers
Personally, I think the course will be best for students scoring in the 450 to 700 range on the SAT Critical Reading. That’s a wide range of students who will be able to benefit a lot from these lessons.

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Who am I (the review author)?
So why am I writing this review of an online SAT math video course and who am I?
My name’s Christian and I’m an experienced SAT test-prep tutor and blogger. I have perfect SAT scores and have trained hundreds of students in private SAT prep lessons.
Important disclaimer here: Our company shares in the profit if you purchase this educational video product, for connecting an interested and relevant audience with a product that can benefit them.
The good news is, I went through every SAT course on Udemy I could find, and this is one of my very favorite – we wouldn’t recommend it to you if we didn’t think it was worth your time and money.
Also, don’t forget that the instructor is confident offering a 30 day money-back refund of this Udemy course! That shows a lot of trust that his viewers will find it valuable. Anyway, just wanted you to know the score and why I’m writing this review for you.
Why would you need this SAT Reading video course?
Many students these days struggle with reading in a big way. Because of TV, the internet and decreasing attention spans, high school students now dislike reading and suffer from weak reading skills, slow reading speeds, and poor comprehension and analysis abilities.
It’s not their fault, or your fault as their parent. It’s just a sign of the times that kids are worse readers, and SAT Reading scores suffer alongside.
However, we can’t just ignore the fact that kids need to enjoy reading more. They need to become stronger, faster, more confident readers in order to succeed in college and the working world.
If you or your high school student “hates” reading, struggles to finish books, or is a “slow” reader - they are the perfect candidate to take this online video course.
On the other hand, even if you enjoy reading on your own already, that STILL doesn’t protect you from the intense difficulty of the SAT Critical Reading section. This SAT Reading video course also helps experienced readers adjust to the unique difficulties of the SAT Reading questions.
What does this product do for you?
In 3 hours, this video course is a concentrated dose of Reading help that teaches you to master any question or reading passage on the SAT Critical Reading test.
You’ll finish the course with improved reading abilities, more motivation and self-confidence in reading. It feels almost like having a private reading tutor guide you to the next level without the embarrassment of struggling in live lessons.
Even experienced and confident high school readers often find themselves frustrated and stuck on SAT Critical Reading passages, so these videos also feature strategies and advice to help students adjust to the style of the test.
Students can conveniently use the lessons at home from computer, phones, or tablets to keep pushing their SAT Critical Reading scores to higher levels through strategies and guided practice. This saves you from the hassle and expense of a commute to a reading tutor.
New users will find the program instantly clear and organized, free of distractions and getting straight to useful reading information. Experienced users will enjoy the ability to review their progress and the lifetime ability to refer back to the lessons and master every valuable tip that the instructor provides in the videos.
CLICK HERE to try out the SAT reading course with a full 30-day money back guarantee.
Is the instructor of this video course any good?
The popularity of this video course is a result of the great instructor, Sam Levin, and the amount of planning and preparation he has clearly invested into developing this reading course.
Sam has taught hundreds of private tutoring students and has years of experience teaching specialized SAT prep, including SAT Critical Reading.
His experience allows him to create a well-planned curriculum with a lot of thought put into it. As a result it moves quickly but smoothly through a 3-hour video course packed with information.
The teacher also understands that reading is a broad skill and he doesn’t over-promise - instead he focuses the course on coaxing out reading improvements and skills from students at every level with an eye towards the SAT.
What are the best parts of this reading course?
This course has a lot of cool elements, so what are the best? Well, the instructor himself definitely stands out. This shows in the popularity of the course (currently about 4000 students and 5-star reviews).
The course platform itself, Udemy, has several key features as well: you get lifetime access to the videos, and the system incorporates a community aspect focused around the reading videos you are watching.
As an SAT tutor myself, I like how the course is both broad and focused. This is a difficult balance, but essential if you want students to finish the course with better reading skills AND a better idea of how the SAT test works. These are not necessarily the same thing, so it can be difficult to accomplish both goals. Sam does a great job of balancing those competing concerns in this course.
The bottom line is, this course feels like private tutoring and gets results if you follow the instructions, and this shows in the 5-star reviews and popularity.
What are the weakest points of this reading course?
In my reviews I like to cover the weak and bad points of products as well so we can get it all out in the open and know what to expect when we invest our money in a video course.
Here are the weakest points of the SAT Critical Reading Mastery course:
- The video course is not personalized
- You are required to put in work.
- Reading takes time and commitment to improve.
Overall, the weakest element of a video course is that it’s not personalized like online tutoring or local tutoring would be. However, we should expect the value of information delivered in the course to be worth its weight in gold, and be useful for students in any situation.
Another potential “weak” point is that you are expected and required to put in the work to get results. Almost like a weight-loss or fitness program but for SAT Reading, you are required to make the commitment to investing time and energy to see results. So some people might see that as a downside (but, do you really expect to learn anything useful without some personal effort first?)
Overall, this course does not have a lot of weak points, which is one reason it’s so popular on Udemy as the reviews and number of previous students show.
What is unique or different about this SAT video course?
Check out the course reviews before you sign up! I will tell you they are excellent!
What makes this reading course different than the competition? Here are a few key reasons:
- Great instructor stands out above the rest on Udemy.
- Nearly 4000 students enrolled - 5 star reviews.
- Unique combo of corporate tutoring and independent experience.
- Feels like private tutoring.
- Our recommendation for SAT Reading video courses online.
We like how this course has a high production value and is better-organized than other, similar courses.
The instructor stands out for personality and intelligence, which shows up in his video reviews. His experience comes through and makes you feel like you can trust him.
It’s also the only SAT Critical Reading video course that we recommend, after going through all the options!
How much does this course cost, and is it worth the money?
Unlike many other SAT prep video courses, the SAT Critical Reading Mastery course is very affordable at the low price of only $39. In fact, most concert tickets cost more than that these days.
You get a lot of great stuff for your investment:
- 56 targeted lectures in 3 hours of organized video.
- Udemy course delivery system.
- Lifetime ability to rewatch the videos.
- Access to community discussion around videos.
- 30-day money-back guarantee.
This video course definitely delivers a lot of instructional value for the money and time you put in. Otherwise we wouldn’t recommend it on our site!
One of the coolest things, as one review comments, is how it “feels like private tutoring” - one of the best recommendations you can hear for an SAT video course!
Money-Back Guarantee for 30 Days
One of the coolest things about the SAT Critical Reading Mastery course is the instructor is so confident it’s good that he’s extended a 30-day, no-questions-asked guarantee that you can get a complete refund.
Of course, we don’t want you to waste your time. If you’ve read this whole review, and you’re nodding along, I’d bet that you won’t need a refund.
But, if you’re at all shy or skittish about buying things on the internet, this helps reassure you that the money will not be wasted and that you are protected in case the product doesn’t live up to expectations.
I’d suggest you try it out and study the included lessons. Then you have 30 days to decide, and you’ve already gotten started working on your SAT reading skills.
Where can I order the Critical Reading Mastery Course?
Good question! Access to the video course is only available through this link: SAT Critical Reading Mastery at
Udemy is growing quickly as the premier #1 destination for online courses. It’s a bit like YouTube but with high-quality instructional content that the best instructors have made into organized lessons and courses.. then customers can review it and build a community around the videos.
Udemy Video Courses are accessible for life and can be viewed on computers, tablets, AND phones so that’s a really nice perk as well.
A few reasons we love Udemy for instructional videos:
I think Udemy is an amazing idea and a great place for kids and parents to learn more about the SAT.
- Established and growing community of online video educators.
- Community reviews let you know which courses are best.
- Videos and audio are high quality.
- System keeps track of your lesson completion.
- Can re-watch every lesson as many times as you want.
- Most lessons have a 100% money back guarantee for 30 days.
- The lesson delivery method is a nice clear interface.
- Take your notes inside the video interface.
- Work from your phone, tablet, or computer.
- Community questions; ask a forum of fellow video-watchers.
The highly-reviewed SAT Critical Reading Mastery course is a great introduction to the power of to learn and study anytime, anywhere.
Since you’re protected by the 30-day money back guarantee, you can also get your cash back if you change your mind later on.
If you’re shy at all, it’s also nice to know you can learn at home without any fear of embarrassment!
Closing Thoughts:
Don’t just order a reading course and let it sit unused on your computer’s hard drive.
I want students and parents to invest in this course, but ONLY if they’re going to follow through and complete the lessons.
If you do, expect your reading confidence and interest to go up, and you’ll find that SAT reading becomes easier and easier with this guided practice.
Don’t forget about the guarantee - you’re protected by 30 days of full money-back refund - so order this course today, evaluate it, make the most of it, and then decide if you learned enough to justify the value. No matter what, there’s no risk to you at all because of the guarantee, and I promise you’ll learn something very useful from the course.
Sign Up and Order Now:
You can start studying with the SAT Critical Reading Mastery course in under 2 minutes. All you need is access to the internet, a valid email address, and your credit card.
I’m urging you to sign your student up now, start working on your Reading skills together, and decide LATER if you’re getting the expected educational value from your investment. You can ALWAYS use that 30-day guarantee to get your cash back, so that’s why I say…
“The only risk you take is waiting too long to start.”