The SAT Reading section gives students five passages that need to be read deeply and thoroughly, with about twelve minutes per passage. While speed is certainly a factor, trying to rush the SAT Reading section often leads to many missed questions. These tips will...
As a parent, you probably want your child to do as well as they possibly can on the SAT. Here are 7 actionable things you can do to help them. 1. Positively Motivate Your Teen The SAT is a long task, and a little motivation can go a long way! Keep it positive-...
You’ve taken a practice test. You know what you have to work on. All your materials are laid out, but you keep getting distracted from studying for the SAT. How do you stay focused on studying for the SAT? 1. Remove Distractions From Your Space Take...
The SAT Score can be a huge part of determining what college a high-achieving student goes to, as well as how much financial aid they receive for that college. Often, these students are clever, but the SAT can push them to new lengths. So how do the highest-achieving...
I just wanted to share a link to a guest post I wrote for Reeves Tutoring. J.C. Reeves is a fellow SAT & ACT tutor, and he also tutors high school and college math classes. Like me, he’s a small business owner and also grew up in Texas! My guest post is...
The SAT Math’s Algebra word problems are one of the most intimidating parts of the SAT. They’re also the second most common category of question you’ll see on the SAT, as they make up over 10% of the entire math test. SAT word problems test a...
Taking a practice SAT test is a commitment, but there’s no better way to get a feel for how you’ll fare on testing day. An SAT practice test can sharpen your test-taking skills and give you as close to the real experience as you can get. So, what do you...
After three hours of testing your head starts to droop, questions you’d find easy on practice suddenly seem ten times harder, and you’re fed up with the mere idea of an essay. Why is it suddenly so hard? You’re probably suffering from SAT Test...
Your SAT Essay score can rely on some small things. The SAT Essay Section asks you to read a passage and analyze the rhetorical devices the author uses to try and convince their audience. Basically, it doesn’t ask you to refute or deny the essay itself, it asks...
Each section of the Math SAT wraps up with a few free response questions. There are five free response questions at the end of the no-calculator section and eight at the end of the calculator section. Some students regard them with fear. So, what do you need to know...