5 Best Strategies That Will Help You Boost Your SAT Score
Image source A Guest Post by Amanda Wilks SAT testing season is just around the corner. In fact, you could argue that SAT season never truly ends! It's no small stress-inducing issue when it comes to the average high schooler with dreams of making it into their...
SAT & ACT Grammar: Word Pairs for Higher Scores
SAT and ACT Writing: Word Pairs to Know (and Use!) Most students know that a complete sentence needs a subject and a verb (and if you didn't know that, hey, now you do). Writing would quickly get boring and repetitive, however, if our only...
Get a Head Start on the Most Commonly Assigned Books in College
The Most Frequently Taught Books in American Colleges and Universities Want to get a leg up on the competition in college? Take a look at the books most commonly assigned and taught in college. The books here aren't specific to any college major, but majors in the...
How to Write the “Why [Insert College Name Here]” Essay for Your College Application
College Application Tips: The "Why This College" Essay College admissions has become more competitive than ever at the same time that a college education is becoming more ubiquitous than ever. As a result, students, hoping to get into a top college or university, are...
What’s an Integer? Different Types of Numbers on the SAT & ACT Explained!
For complete coverage of every topic on the SAT Math test, check out the best SAT Math prep book in the world! The Different Types of Numbers, Explained When taking the SAT or ACT, or when navigating your way through a math course, chances are you'll be required to...
Sponsored Review: UWorld SAT Prep QBank
Today we're looking at a very useful online subscription for SAT Prep students and tutors alike - the UWorld SAT Prep Question Bank. Right away, I should tell you I have been compensated for my attention to this product. However, I specifically requested to remain...
George Orwell’s Rules for Writers
6 Rules for Writers from George Orwell Writing is a difficult discipline, especially for those just starting out. High school students often struggle to formulate clear, concise, intelligent sentences, and when they're faced with the task of writing an...
SAT Score Services: Question-and-Answer Service (QAS) and Student Answer Service (SAS)
SAT Score Services: Question-and-Answer Service (QAS) vs. Student Answer Service (SAS). What's the difference? How do you order them? How can it help you improve on the SAT? When working with high school students looking to improve their SAT scores, it's common to...
What Branch of Engineering Should You Study?
What Type of Engineering You Should Study? Many students who seek out SAT or ACT prep hope to one day study engineering in college. It's important to remember, however, that engineering is not a monolithic discipline. There are many different types of engineering...
SAT & ACT Essays: Four Types of Sentences to Master for More Variety in Your Writing
The Four Types of Sentences: How to Add Variety to Your Writing The English language is truly vast and varied, but for those looking to add some variety to the way they construct their sentences, here’s a piece of good news: there are only 4...
How to Choose a College Major
Choosing a Major in College: What to Consider Many high school students are excited for college, but not all of them know what they’d like to study. Choosing a college major can be a daunting task. Luckily, it’s possible to switch majors if you have enough time to...
Rhetorical Figures Beginning with “D” and “E”
Rhetorical Figures Beginning with "D" and "E" The next installment in our series on obscure Greek and Latin rhetorical figures showcase those figures beginning with the letters "D" and "E". Whether you're brushing up for English class, for a rhetoric and composition...
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