ACT and SAT Test Day Tips
Tutoring is useful, but what really counts as far as SAT and ACT prep is concerned is your performance on the day of the test. In this article, I'll offer some advice on how to do your best on test day! 1) Get a good night's sleep I know this is easier said than done,...
Top 3 Timeless Ways to Get More Out of Life
This post is the first in a series focusing on Time Management for Teens, Students, and High Schoolers. Get the complete online course here or order the book here! Timeless Rules of Time Management Here are the ground rules of good time management that work for ANYONE...
The Biggest ACT and SAT Prep Mistake Students Make
The biggest SAT or ACT prep mistake to make is, in my opinion, not dwelling enough on your mistakes. It's human nature, after all, to want to dwell in our successes and sweep our mistakes under the rug, but this makes no sense at all when it comes to test prep. Here...
What the Heck is “SAT Superscoring”?
Maybe you've been there: you've just taken the SAT a second time and improved your Reading score by 100 points only to see your Math score drop 100 points. Was the retake pointless? Not if you're applying to colleges that superscore the test. Read this article to...
Avoid These Careless SAT & ACT Math Mistakes
Avoid These Careless SAT and ACT Math Mistakes Even the best students make math mistakes. The SAT and ACT math tests can be difficult, intimidating, and tricky. However, most students don't need to be able to answer the hardest problems in order to get an average or...
Top Titles to Conquer the Toughest SAT Reading Passages
It's no secret that the Critical Reading section of the SAT has gotten harder--and for most students, the hardest part involves a token passage from the 1700s or 1800s. Because these texts are written in a manner most are not accustomed to, it can be difficult to...
Running Out of Time on the SAT or ACT?
The SAT and ACT are timed tests, and performing under the pressure of time constraints is often as daunting to students as the content of the tests themselves. Many of my students qualify for extra time--either 50% more time or 100% more time. Here, I'll cover who's...
The Visual Guide to College Acceptances (Infographic)
From our friends at Online College we present this incredible College Planning Calendar infographic! Sometimes it's really hard to "visualize" all the college-prep information you're supposed to be taking in. It can get really hard to budget your time...
Top High-Dollar College Scholarships to Apply For
Apply to These High-Dollar Scholarships Students in the 11th and 12th grades are busy--difficult coursework, overbearing homework loads, SAT and ACT prep--not to mention the college search process and the college scholarship search process. When it comes to...
Vocabulary on the New SAT
How to Study for Vocabulary on the New SAT Now that the SAT's been redesigned, students who hate memorizing vocabulary words will breathe a sigh of relief--or will they? Although there are no longer any sentence completion questions that test obscure vocabulary words...
SAT and ACT Strategies: Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Test Day Mistakes and How to Avoid Them Often during my SAT and ACT prep lessons, and most particularly with respect to the English, Writing, and Mathematics sections, I encounter a student who misses problems testing concepts that he or she knows and has been taught....
Tips to Get Great Grades in College
Top Tips to Get Good Grades in College Getting good grades in high school is important to get into a good college, but getting good grades in college is important for making yourself competitive for scholarship and financial aid eligibility, internships and graduate...
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