Since I wrote this review I’ve released the best SAT Math textbook ever created. If you need a higher SAT Math score, you owe it to yourself to check this book out!
The Power of SAT Prep Video Courses
SAT Prep Video Courses are an incredibly exciting new element of SAT prep. Combine a great instructor with modern video recording and high-speed internet, and you’ve got a brand-new way to learn SAT test concepts with a unique set of features and benefits. When it comes to SAT prep from home, don’t underestimate the value of a good video course!
Today we’re going to be looking at my review of the “Power 800 SAT Math” Video Course available only at Udemy, the #1 source for online courses anytime, anywhere.
The Power 800 SAT Math Video Course:
The Power 800 SAT Math video course is a popular 7-hour online video course that has been proven to help students improve in SAT math scores AND personal confidence in their skills.
This premium video course, led by an experienced online SAT tutor, is a great resource for anyone serious about finding angles to improve their SAT math score.
While there are many videos online that supposedly help with SAT math, they are often boring, poorly-edited, and lack overall structure.
This course is designed to provide a comprehensive, fun structure to study SAT math from home at your convenience. That also makes it a great review even if you already take a class or meet with an SAT tutor.
Who Is This Video Course For?
The Power 800 SAT Math video course is focused entirely on SAT Math prep for high school students and their parents at every level of math ability.
That makes this course ideal for every student studying for SAT Math - parents can order the video course, and have students complete it for homework a small section at a time.
If you already have a private SAT tutor, you can get even more out of these videos - use them as a supplement, or for review - to go above and beyond your current levels in math.
This popular video course covers all aspects of SAT math at easy, medium, and advanced levels. Basically, if you’ve got a high school student preparing for the SAT, this course will benefit them.
Personally, I think the course is absolutely best for students in the easy to intermediate range… meaning, SAT math scores from 350 to 680 will benefit most.
Whether or not you’ve taken the SAT or PSAT yet, this is going to be a good place to get oriented and start reviewing the material you need to know for the test.
It’s also a great supplement or continuing-education resource for independent SAT tutors, school administrators, and homeschool parents. Click here to get it: Power 800 SAT Math.

Power 800 SAT Math Video Course: Click Here To Sign Up
Who am I (the review author)?
Why am I writing this review of an online SAT math video course and who am I?
My name’s Christian and I’m an experienced SAT test-prep tutor and blogger. I have perfect SAT scores and have trained hundreds of students in private SAT prep lessons.
Important disclaimer here: Our company shares in the profit if you purchase this educational video product, for connecting an interested and relevant audience with a product that can benefit them.
I want to reassure you that I went through every SAT course on Udemy I could find, and this one is among my top favorites - definitely a top-notch video program worth the money or we wouldn’t recommend it.
On that note, don’t forget that the instructor is confident offering a 30 day money-back refund of this Udemy course… but I really don’t think you’ll end up using it!
Why would you need this math video course?
Here are a few reasons you might need or at least really, really want to sign up for this online SAT math course:
- Aiming for the best colleges and universities.
- Lacking confidence in math skills.
- Had a bad algebra or geometry teacher in school.
- Can’t find a good or trustworthy local tutor.
- Can’t find a good affordable SAT math tutor.
- Need a general SAT math review.
- Trying to win scholarship money.
The thing with SAT prep is - no one really needs it - but it’s all about your level of ambition.
Do you crave a chance at high-paying jobs, prestigious colleges, valuable scholarships? These are just a few real-life examples of the results that come from higher SAT math scores.
If not, you could always just be a slacker all your life, not study math, and see where that takes you! But… I think a lot of us are going to want to seriously study math so that we’re ready for SAT, school and career.
What does this product do?
In a nutshell, this SAT Math video course is going to allow you or your kid to confidently and calmly dominate the SAT math section and get a much higher score if they practice and follow through.
This video course is going to allow you or your kid to study SAT math from home without fear of embarrassment in a classroom and without the huge expenses of a private SAT math tutor.
You’ll avoid bad or untrustworthy SAT tutors because this video course has TONS of great 5-star reviews serving as proof that many other students before you have learned from its useful videos. Basically it’s coming from a popular SAT tutor and that’s always a good sign when students love their instructor.
It’s going to allow you to study SAT math anywhere, anytime with the powerful and sleek Udemy learning platform. No need to commute or meet or pay a tutor - just pop online and start learning from the next math video.
If you study hard, you’ll be able to see improvements in just weeks or even days - the same as you would with a live tutor. In fact, these videos make a great supplement to anyone taking SAT tutoring.
You can also use the course again later as a review - since your membership will never expire, you can use the videos to review SAT math again next year - or pass them on to a younger sibling.
With the money-back guarantee for 30 days, this is also an incredibly safe way to invest your education budget - you could even study from the course, review the math concepts, then return it for your money back. No matter what you choose to do, with the refund policy, you’re going to be covered.
Who teaches this video course? Are they any good?
Check out the course reviews before you sign up - they say it all! Students love the lessons from this online instructor, and here are a few reasons why this SAT math tutor rocks:
- 20 years math teaching experience
- SAT math specialist
- University of Michigan for Computer Science and Economics
- Software design and Law careers + Entrepreneurship
He’s got the experience to plan an effective curriculum, the brains to figure out the test, and the passion to keep students motivated.
And, if for any reason you don’t like him as an instructor, you can always use the 30 day money-back guarantee - it’s as risk-free as SAT prep can get.
What’s best about this SAT math video course?
Every video course has strengths and weaknesses, so what makes this SAT math video course so popular?
- It’s comprehensive - All possible “angles” are covered by this SAT math course.
- Fantastic, specialized and very smart SAT math instructor.
- Proven student-success results, as seen in comments.
- Great reviews from real students.
- 30-day complete refund guarantee.
I think the strong qualities of this video course make it stand out above other online test prep video courses that I have found so far, and the students who have taken it seem to agree with me.
What makes this video course different from others?
In my opinion, the Power 800 SAT Math stands out above other options that are currently available for the following reasons:
- 5-star reviews from real unbiased students.
- Highly-comprehensive SAT Math lessons.
- The course curriculum is intelligently organized.
- The instructor is better and more charismatic.
- The production values and editing are good.
- Recommended by us as a solid source of SAT math prep.
In particular, it’s essential to have a good instructor and a well-planned curriculum; however, most courses online do NOT pass that basic test. The instructor and curriculum - the two most important factors in any educational experience - are the main reasons I chose this online SAT math course above all others.
The potential downsides?
I’ll be honest, nothing’s perfect, and this video course is no exception. Although I still would recommend this video course 100% to my students, there are a few considerations:
- It’s not personalized.
- No one is holding you accountable.
- The price seems expensive (to some people).
- You should probably supplement with books.
- You’ll need other courses for Reading and Writing sections.
Let’s start with the obvious - video courses are not personalized. It’s not quite the same as having a live 1-on-1 tutor to answer each and every question. However, you can at least ask questions to the forum community that’s connected with the videos, which is an excellent upside.
Also, no one is holding you accountable each week. With a private tutor or even a class, you at least have to look someone in the eye and tell them you didn’t do your homework.
Then, there’s the price. Frankly I don’t see this as a downside, since I don’t judge my educational investments on price along - I believe education is the MOST important investment I can ever make, so I’m personally willing to pay - but some people might think they shouldn’t have to pay for a video course. However, a good video course takes a lot of planning, work, and editing - and all that hard work means better results for your kids. I don’t think the price is a downside at all here.
Finally, although this video course is completely comprehensive for the SAT math, that doesn’t mean it’s the only thing you need. As with all good SAT prep, you should consider a variety of sources, strategies, and practice - so, if you’re a serious student, you’ll still want to supplement these videos with extra practice books. Check out our SAT prep bookstore for a list of the best SAT prep books, and use a few of those to supplement these videos for maximum effect.
How much does the course cost and is it worth the money?
The Power 800 SAT Math Video Course typically runs about $149 for the complete 7 hours course and all the Udemy support features.
7 hours of SAT math tutoring will typically cost your family $800 or more with a good tutor, so this is definitely a good investment of your education budget if you need help with SAT math.
I really don’t believe in comparing educational investments simply by the price tag. When it comes to education, there’s much, much more to consider than simple up-front cost.
One big advantage to using video is that it’s more modern and engaging for students these days. You probably stand a higher chance of getting your kids to pay attention to a video than to a book - heck, my students tell me these days that some of their high school teachers just teach from videos l class all day! It looks more and more like video is a big part of the future of education.
If you’re considering this investment, it’s probably part of your larger strategy to improve at the SAT. If you’re studying SAT prep, you’re probably already willing to invest some money with tutors, classes, books, or video courses.
I know for a fact that the best teachers and instructors charge for teaching, so I think $149 is not a bad deal from a great instructor.
The course can also pay for itself if you get academic scholarships because of improved scores, so that’s something important to consider!
Where can I order the Power 800 SAT Math Course?
I’m glad you asked! The course is only available here: Power 800 SAT Math at
Udemy is growing very rapidly as it’s the premier #1 destination for online courses. It’s sort of like YouTube but with high-quality instructional content that the best instructors have made into courses.. then customers can review it and build a community around the videos.
I like Udemy for video courses for many reasons - it makes things easy, helpful, and organized!
Why Udemy is great for instructional videos:
I think Udemy is an amazing idea and a great place for kids and parents to learn more about the SAT.
- Established and growing community of online video educators.
- Community reviews let you know which courses are best.
- Videos and audio are high quality.
- System keeps track of your lesson completion.
- Can re-watch every lesson as many times as you want.
- Most lessons have a 100% money back guarantee for 30 days.
- The lesson delivery method is a nice clear interface.
- Take your notes inside the video interface.
- Community questions; ask a forum of fellow video-watchers.
The highly-reviewed Power 800 SAT Math is a great introduction to the power of to learn and study anytime, anywhere.
Since you’re protected by the 30-day money back guarantee, you can also get your cash back if you change your mind later on.
Final thoughts:
As an SAT tutor, I’ve told hundreds of students: START NOW.
This video course is your golden opportunity to do that - to start now.
You have nothing to lose (money-back guarantee…)
You have everything to gain (tons of points on SAT math…greater confidence…)
I’ve done my best to explain why I think this course is perfect for you. Now it’s up to you to follow through on your end - create a Udemy account, and sign up for the SAT math course - then do your homework - and together we’ll get through this SAT math prep stuff, and be stronger on the other side.
Sign Up and Order Now:
You can start studying with the Power 800 math course in under 2 minutes. All you need is the internet, an email address, and your credit card.
I’m urging you to sign your student up now and decide LATER if you’re getting the expected educational value from your investment. You can ALWAYS use that 30-day guarantee to get your cash back, so that’s why I say…
“The only risk you take here is waiting too long to start.”